Saturday, October 25, 2008

I heart Ype´ Amarelo...

The favela and growing area of Novo Contagem and Ipe Amarelo. A pic from the busride there.

Dinada, one of the social workers with me in the middle of our house visits...

the children always follow me around on Wednesdays in the village. They think i am some famous person because I am from California and they ALL know this. Small villas and favelas are like this. If this is what it takes to bring them over to hear the Word and get the love, then that's fine with me, so long as JESUS gets all the glory! These cuties wanted to be photographed and I said WELL...YEAH!!! Our Father kisses them close, yeah?

We went on the house visits today checking out all of the rain damage. World vision partners with Casa De Apoio to help financially in these situations. I was the missionary onsight to listen , encourage, and pray for the families as we observed absolutely horrendous conditions; roofs ripped off of homes, hurt children, glass and debri, as well as just serious damge to the materials in the very simple construction work of the homes. The men of this home are brothers and real friends. They have a teeny home and over seven people live in it together. I listened as they shared about their roof being swept away, and was so touched by the profound inner strength and determination to keep moving forward. They were standing testimonies of commitment and hope.Offering prayer; this woman is no quitter either! She was going to pick up her food bag from the government when the rains came. Her children were alone in the house. We prayed for continued strength and the refreshing of the Lord to rest upon her and her children as she is alone to raise them. in Jesus name!!!On the way to Josie's for dinner (actually lunch...remember?), we run into one of my favorite families! This mother makes the sweetest cookie jars for work! Casa De Apoio has tuaght her through the program this trade and she is precious at it! You better believe I got one for my mom!!!Josilea (my translator) and her mai (mom)!Helping make dinner. Gotta wash the lettuce outside near the hose cuz sometimes the houses don't have sinks all over the place like in the states ya know! Praise God!Futeball in the streets... the normal every day event after school. Behind these guys is the school and offices of Casa De Apoio, Novo Contagem. This big yellow building and these green shirts mean peace for the families here. Casa De Apoio is the only project set up this way in the entire favela/villa. Just behind the children in this photo is the huge prison, almost like a city all of its own with lights and glitz and all, devastatingly, and subliminally stealing away the hopes for many of these children if there were nothing else to look at here. I love my time spent with these children because they are so hungry for a new hope, and I love to give it thru Jesus!
Why the kids always want to play around with my sauvage (wild) hair...who knows? These cuties are from the Casa De Apoio program/school in Ipe Amarelo. We took some videos together this day too. Pretty hilarious really! I love these guys!

I asked the children if I could take some close up pics of them today. This boy in the red shirt is absolutely precious. One day during ministry his friend told me while we were all eating dinner together that he had this friend (the one in the red shirt) who was having some major learning problems and difficulties with focus; he shared with me that many other kids in the streets were starting to make fun of him, and it was becoming scary because he was watching his friend start to act violent because of it. I askd him if he believed in a miracle for his friend, he said yes, and I asked him to go and get him from the streets. No less then five minutes later he came back with him to the house. I began to minister the love of Jesus to him and he started to sweat. I asked him if he knew about Jesus... he told me only that he had heard of him because his grandmother went to the catholic church. I asked him if he wanted to experience Him right now. He nodded and I simply began to pray in English for the correct words and spirit governed completely by the Holy Spirit to use me to deliver the absolute correct word to this boy in Jesus name. Suddenly God spoke clear... I told the boy what He said... "I am going to put my hand right here on the back of your head and ask for the knowledge from heaven to fill you by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name, ok?" He nodded his head again and started to cry a little, and I did exactly that. At this moment the boy began to sweat perfusely and an authority came over me to cast out the lies that had him all twisted up and tormented for years. I demanded the enemy to take his hands off of this child of God in the blood and name of Jesus, and like a calming stream, it was as if water began to flow through the place where my hand was behind his ear. I started praying in agreement with this release of knowledge from heaven, right from the throne room in my Jesus' name and at this time, a breaking occured in the boy. I told him today in Jesus name God is delivering the miracle for you to percieve and understand with heavenly knowledge, the things neccessary for growth in this earth, but the real miracle was recieving the knowledge neccessary for growth in the spirit in understanding God and his son Jesus sent for us. He received Jesus as I asked him to just talk to his creator right there in my translators home with her mother and brother. so beautiful. The boy told me afterwards that something really heavy that he had known sort of like a friend for years felt as though it ran away from him while I prayed. And the update is that he DID recieve a miracle in Jesus name!!!! He is percieving all sorts of new concepts and work in school with a new ease. PRAISE THE LIVING LORD!!!! God bless Josilea (my translator) and her sweet mother, for a place for God to be invited in to come and dwell and have His awesome way!

Love You Jesus! My life is for you! (teaching the children two ways to make the heart... and me... well, God loves the teacher even though I am slow for the get the point...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)

God bless you with a hug and heart from Brasil and from heaven. See you soon!



Anonymous said...

We need your flight info doll! Keith will pick you up if it's after school hours and I can do it if it's early morning. Either way, maybe you can email me the details and I'll call Keith, it's not easy for him to get online from his house, so let me know......Super excited to see you!! Love and blessings!

Anonymous said...

Dear JG,

What's happening? Much love upon you from our Lord Jesus. I hope you get this post. I would like to pick you up on the third, however right now my jeep is out of commission. I should be able to borrow a car, or it should be repaired by then.

Please send me a your flight details.

Hope you are enjoying your last days there in Brasilia. I know it will be harder to leave there than it was here. Enjoy the time and may you be blessed and blessed. I know you have left an amazing eternal impression on the peoples down there.

In His Grip,


Jeanne in Belo Horizonte said...

I got all the comments, cuties... my blog is acting funny! Love you and thanks for the hearts!