Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ok, you really wanted to see that? You guys are hilarious!!! Please write IN THE BLOG...not in my hotmail account! The truth is that there were two cakes cuz there were two gatherings. AND...Christelle and Miia, Noah, Keri, Keith, Caleb, and I don't even know who else thought it would be interesting(???) to have a b-day celebration for me out there in Cali when I wasn't even there...with a NOTHER cake...super silly, but cute as EVER I say! As long as you partied hard, cuties! I love you so much!!! Here is Albert and Renilda on the phone with you guys in the states on the night of my bday. Brasil meets California!!! Family to family, praise God!Who says you can't hang out with bananas on your own day of birth?! So...I hung out in the banana trees wanna make something of it?Ok, this is what I was really up to... making boxes for the 15th anniversary party which just passed for Crianca Feliz. Yes, they are boxes made from banana leaves, dried, then painted with vernise acrylic. Soaps were then placed inside for gifts for the donors of the ministry.

Please pray for my month, and thanks for the financial support if you are being led to give... God sees and blesses, and knows I need it right now. I will be posting the pics of my ministry next week if I have another minute. The prayer requests are as follows:{The PFTS team here in Brasil. This is the day we did the heart puzzle together. The kids are sharing in this photo before praying, before going out}

The new ministry team in Novo Contagem NEEDS to remain after I leave; teams are for God not man.. one pastor plus a brother named Jadel has the fire to keep things moving, but the teenagers and early twenties members are the yougest leaders I have ever trained. The pastor is also a missioanry here, but just out of his area for Novo Contagem so this could really work with prayer!!Their fire is wild and contageous and can not be smothered in any way. Brasil needs this joy and these kids have it to release!

Pray that Pastor Divino and Jadel can come together and fuel these precious ones with encouragement, furthered discipleship, love, and team focus through prayer every well as a blast from the river for soaking HARD in the presence of God, which is what step the team needs to come into next.

Pray that Brasil would be set free from the religious spirit trying to suffocate the ones who want to jump out of the boat and into the deep rivers! There are two major religions here after the Catholic religeon, and if you are not one of these (and I am talking in the protestant faith folks!!!) you are not really a believer at all> Baptist (which means something entirely different out here... it is the first question people will ask you immediatly after getting your name and where you are from. The spirit boldly speaks his name: "i am religeon and i am here to keep God's people trapped". Baptists are actually where almost the whole Christian church as we know it at home in the states would fall into, me included because of my understanding of God and Jesus biblically, and doctrinally though Daddy knows I am just called HIS KID) and /or Evangelical (which out here means a crazy person, literally, because any one who does something a little different like saying, "hallelujah" every now and then or might happen to say, "hey lets pray about that...right now" or any other out of the ordinary thing is dabbling with a little something known as ...ehem...the Holy Spirit, which MANY Baptists don't move in and, I have come to think, do not really truly believe in, or hardley, if ever, desire to understand because it is too weird for "regular people to just walk in"! HELP, Jesus! Brasil is so amazing and needs a blast from you... a river blast of revival!!!

Pray with me against fear for the already solid believers who are usually the Baptists, because there really are too many weird things happening in the Evangelical movement a lot because there is such a fierce spirit of judgement and gossip of the opposing faith... so it is literally a war, and, sadly the Evangelicals get the runt of it all because they are then trying to prove that they are actually alive with the Holy Spirit. When this occurs, strife occurs and other spiritual warfare can seap in. These precious ones really have something beautiul, but severely missing the importance of the biblical principles, discipleship, the grounding in the Word. I need wisdom as always, as I try and teach that all three parts of the trinity are true and we need to learn how walk together with our brothers and sisters without judgement on either side so we all REALLY look like Jesus and become world changers together! As far as the fear...well, it is there in the Baptists to block them from getting healing, restoration, refreshing, strength, joy, etc... No Holy Spirit= no life. Thank You, SeƱhor Jesus for sending the one who leads us into that life abundantly and never leaving us without a Comfortor. I love You, Holy Spirit.

Pray against the spirit of alcohal; there are gillions of bars EVERYWHERE regardless of the area. WE BAN THIS DEMON IN JESUS' name! WE loose the HOLY SPIRIT in it's place, in Jesus' name! Pray with me for the artistic expression in children and adolescents to be released to bring a new thing that is goverened by God and WAY more attractive than alcohal to divert the attention of wandering souls. AND JOY again, I say, for the precious filling of the Holy Spirit to accompany this, with perfect commitment in the people miraculously working with that same Spirit! It is capable in Jesus' name!!!

Pray I can help Renilda start a house of prayer. I am living with her family (they own the whole corner of the street in Ceu Azul, Brasil) this month and we are starting a committed hour of soaking and intercession for Brasil every morning together as of tomorrow till I leave. She has offered to house all missionaries involved with the ministry God has given me for the streets and for intercession and intimacy adorative prayer for Minas Gerais (this area of Brasil) for the future.
And for one more thing: I am finished working in all of the homes of Crianca Feliz and am wrestling with the idea of either heading to Recife to see their street ministry there, which would be great, yet...or should I say, OR I have been invited to work with three other ministries who do strategic street and people outreach with deep love, as well as one ministry with a hard core focus on the Keith Green style ministry home movement here.

This is my observation week of all three other ministries. Have only spent one day with Aguaviva ministry in the poorest favela in Ceu Azul and feel a tug to continue to minister alongside this awesome English missionary. We fed over 200 people with gourmet Brasilian cuisine from four restaraunts who donate food that was left over and never touched during the big meal of the day here- amolce. I went to the restaraunts and actually got to pray overthe people giving, as well as over all the food! You should see these precious ones as they receive the love later in the day. All lined up with their containers ready to gather rice and beans and salad, and eggs and squash. It is priceless to have the honor of praying with them.

I spoke at their church in the evening on activating our prayer life through adoration and praise for joy to continue on down here in the earth, and they have invited me back for the baptisms of some new folks tomorrow morning. Its a big party to come and get me in the bus! You will see in the pics.

Anyways, a busy, busy week: today it is visiting Charisma ministry to head to Pedrieda favela (the oldest, most dangerous one in central city... no pics from here, at least not today) to minister (pray for me), tomorrow it's the baptisms and Auguaviva again, Sunday it is off to Nova Lima to Thomas Padleys ministry of ministry homes and Holy Ghost flowing in the rivers (finally met these guys after much prayer and had a riot with em last time!!! Thomas and his wife moved here from Ohio 23 years ago because of a call to Brasil's indiginous peoples. They have a ministry in the Amazon as well as equipping the churches for the river here closer to the city. James Padley is a pretty famous musician out here. I will tell more later), and Monday I will go back out to Pedrieda with JOCCUM, the equivalent of YWAM out here to find four boys who have been picked to ask to live in the refuge home away from the drugs in the streets for a 2 week trial period. By Tuesday I will have a better idea of my schedule for the next month. I love to involve each one of you in my prayers and endeavors. I love you. Please pray God clears the way. Everyone wants me to come... where is God leading for this final season here? Who needs my time the most? Which ministry will allow me to continue to minister to Renilda and her family while I stay with them learning this beautiful language and culture (last night was soooo amazing in our worship together as a family out on the veranda...much healing and rejuvination like a spark of electricity in the of us were taken up together to another place. Hallelujah!)? Only He knows.

I will be home November 4, and we will have to have a breaking bread night immediately if not sooner. Please start to mark the date of the following Sat after so we can all hug and pray and worship Daddy together. I love you all and bless God for your warmth and good, sweet, real love for both me and Pops!!!A kiss for a cutie in Ipe Amarelo, Novo Contagem. SO adorable! Bless her Lord!
"'...and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven'. And He laid His hands on them, and departed thence."
Matthew 19:14,15


Anonymous said...

Hey Madonna!

I"m not sure how blogs work, but hope this does...happy birthday! Its so nice seeing you down there loving on those children! How long are you there for?


LEAF (Jeremiah 17:7) said...

Jeanne, Feliz Aniversario to you my beloved friend who I miss. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and that you are well. I look forward to the day we get to see each other again as I miss my sister very much. I wish so much you could spend our wedding day with us in Dec. I know the Lord is doing great things in you and through you. Please feel free to call me or -mail me soon.
Much Much Love in him
Your brother Chris

Jeanne in Belo Horizonte said...

AAAAAH! God be near to you RIGHT NOW cwistofoy!!!! I am praying for your wedding, hon! I miss you too and can not wait to hug the two of you close! Always in my heart til we all dance on the streets of gold together!

Anonymous said...

hey, I am at the library and I have a little time to write you. It's megan, I got your call on Sunday, frustrated that I couldn't talk to you for very long. Here in San Francisco, I am looking for a job, taking a class that is about modern day slavery and meeting with the PFTS group. Last Saturday we did a prayer walk through the park, and we will ease back into doing the model. Our team has gotten significantly smaller with the break, but people are asking when we will be out there again. I am meeting with Amber from promised Land today and we will go over some of the volunteer information. If I can be a bridge for the team and Promised Land, that would be awesome. I am excited for your return. Hoping that you will take a short break before jumping into PFTS san Francisco. I can't wait to see you and hear all that God has done. I haven't been able to check email that much, and getting on your blog is hard amist looking for a job, and working on class stuff...only have a limited time at the library. Anyways, our group is getting much closer, praying for one another, and recieving much needed healing from papa. We are eager to go back out and pour out into our beloved friends in the park. Caleb is doing great, communicating much better and stepping up with helping out. Keith is amazing, brilliant guy able to encourage us to move forward in love. Carol has such a heart for the lost and is made for evangelism. Adriana is looking radiant in God's love and is understanding the unconditional love of the Father. I am learning who I am in Jesus and becoming stronger and bolder in the Lord. We are still looking for people to lead certian areas in the team. Please pray for that and the connection with Zack who leads another outreach on saturdays. Love you, God bless, Megan

Jeanne in Belo Horizonte said...

Bless you Megan! Thanks and ahuge hug! I love you! Hi Roberto!!! I love that you figured out the blog aroo scene! So good to be back in touch! Tell me what is going on, man!!!